Thursday, December 3, 2009

Little Creations

Just wanted to post some lil creatures I made.

Well, I didn't make the cute little hello kitty... but I did make that lil treasure bag she's sitting in. :)

I am so excited for Christmas! It's my favorite time of the year. The beautiful twinkle lights and cheery spirit... I am in the process of making some ornaments... here's one so far:

I am planning to make a bunch of those hearts (white and green ones as well, white maybe with "peace" and green maybe with "joy" or the other way around, lol). Inspired by Lina's wonderfully cute bunting, I hope to make a christmas one! I wish I had a lot of time to sew...

I must get ready to go to my little sister's basketball game!!


  1. Gayle!! Your little creations are so cute!!! :D
    I love your christmas ornament!

  2. awwwww!!! so cute!!! i love them : )
    i can't wait to see your bunting!
    & what a lovely idea with the heart. so nice.

    oh, & for the post below:
    my social problems professor always said people have the feeling that they are only one person & what they do can't make a big difference, but everyone is just one person & together with everyone doing something to make a difference, the difference will be made. i hope that makes : )

  3. Coool stuff! oh and true that to what Angelina said :)
