Monday, January 3, 2011

A different take on Tree Houses

As I was perusing the interwebs, I found this awesome article about literally living in live tree houses!! Check it out! It's pretty awesome :) Tiny drawback is it will take about 15+ years to actually grow one to live in. But totally worth it!

Here's a link to the article.

I have always loved treehouses since I was really little. I can remember trying to draw them (along with my castles filled with booby traps that could spring treasures of candy or dump you in a swirly moat). One of my favorite Polly Pockets was my treehouse one that you could open up. It even had a working swing and slide in the tree trunk! Those mid-90's Polly Pocket days were the best :)

Polly Pocket Tree House 1994 original


  1. Yeah I just saw some plans for eco-friendly cities in China. So cool, we should move there..

    here's the link....

  2. OMG that is the coolest thing ever, and I have loved tree houses since I knew what they were! I am totally jealous of kid you, I would have loved that polly pocket.
